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The association E.S.P.O.I.R (HOPE in French) was created in April 2000 following various trips to Madagascar by its charter members, in order to structure and guarantee the durability of actions led individually. E.S.P.O.I.R mainly intervenes in Southern Madagascar. This area shows:
  • A damage in roads and paths situation that make farming zones almost unreachable or isolated.
  • A self-sustaining economy, overwhelmed by food-producing and stockbreeding activities, mislead by difficulties of discharge and marketing.
  • A lack of industrial activities and services to reduce a serious/confirmed unemployment which affects mainly youth.

OUR ACTIONS: Most of Malagasy population lives in food insecurity (cyclic starvation, low production rate due to drought)
Our action is in line with development approach and meet native population’s requirements:
  • Creation of literacy class for children in great difficulty and educational follow-up or profesional courses (domestic school, woodwork, mechanics, etc.).
  • School support to a bush village.
  • Adult and teenager literacy including a consciousness raising plan as to civil status issue.
  • Economic development micro project with an association of embroideresses from Fort-Dauphin city.
THE EMERGENCY, emergency actions are carried out in collaboration with NGO which have necessary siege agreements regarding the country’s legal procedures:
  • Drugs (medicine) supply to (free) health centres, treatment received by children from Antananarivo street, miscellaneous plagues.
  • Dispatch humanitarian aid (medical device, wheelchairs…).
Association 1901 bill – published in the official journal on 29/04/2000 through n° 3309.

Thanks to our partners: Forum Franco Malgache de La Voix de l'Enfant, Enfants du Monde-Comité Réunion, Aviation Sans Frontières, Comité de jumelage de la Mairie d’Oissel, Association TOGO/BRESIL, Restaurant « le Lémurien » Montrouge.

december 27, 2008

Copyright 2007 Association ESPOIR